Friday, June 3, 2011

Organic Food

Last night I watched "Food Matters" WOW! That's the first word the comes to mind. It is so interesting and informative on the affects of "We are what we eat" theory. Having food battle cancers is mind blowing! It really all makes sense to me, how the body can heal it self if you give it the right fuel.
Which brings me to vitamins, I have never taken vitamins in my lifetime. I never really gave my kids vitamins on a daily basis (Kelly started taking the chewy adult gummy type ones recently but we stopped because they are pretty expensive). I really want to look into getting some vitamins for us to take after watching that dvd, I can't belive how many years I have been going without them.... One Dr. hit home when he said "There is no reason the average person should be tired in the afternoon" - That's me ever day! I am always tired and always without any energy.
They also suggest a large glass of water in the morning before you eat or drink anything else - I drink no water! You can see a pattern forming here : (
They feel you should eat organic food, that the pesticides are just ruining the fruits & veg.. Well I live near a potato farm and you would not belive the way they spray the heck out of those plants, I can imagine all that pesticides are leaching down into the potato as it grows. I actually have an organic co-op down in town that I would like to check out but really worried about the cost.... They say in the dvd how we are willing to buy the best car, the best house, ect but we are willing to put the worst food into our systems that we should be spending less of our money on those other things and spending as much as we possible can on getting the most healthiest food for our families.
I'll let you know how my shopping goes tomorrow.

1 comment:

LJS said...

That is in my Netflix queue to watch soon. I had dinner last night with friends from whom I have learned so much about being organic and homeopathy. We were discussing how difficult it would be to totally give up processed food 100% and live completely on whole organic food (not to mention expensive). Cutting out processed food is something I am working towards but it is very challenging. Let us know how the shopping goes!