I have been reading a wonderful blog: 100 Days of Real Food
It has given me another "eye opener" reading this blog! I can not tell you how many times I have assumed something is on the healthy side with out really looking at the label, How wrong I have been! One example is, I have changed my family away from white bread which I was so proud of but when I looked at the wheat bread bag label I was shocked : ( The list of ingredients is so long I can't even begin to write it here for you.... and this is on "bread" something that I would of thought just took a few ingredients to make!
I also have been buying a granola bar that my daughter & I love (it does have chocolate on the outside of it) and took a peek at the wrapper, oh my gosh here again a mile long of words I can't even pronounce. I am now commited to reading the labels of the food we are eatting and make some changes in this area also!
My daughter & I watched a dvd yesterday as part of her homeschooling lesson, It was called: Strange Days on Planet Earth 2 I was stunned but again on the things that we are doing to the earth and its animals!!!! I think this dvd needs to be played for all highschool children, I really think we need to start making the young people aware as early as we can of the affects that are happening to the earth. The second half of the dvd showed how the plastic we are dumping from our garbages are getting in the ocean and the birds guts are full of it! They cut open a dead bird and showed you all the little pieces and even a pacifier! The mother birds are mistaken some plastic pieces for food and actually feeding their baby birds this stuff and are killing them in the process : ( Here again I am really going to work on buying products with as little plastic as possible! I have found a blog about a family who is really keeping a close eye on every product they buy and are trying to go without buying any with plastic: Modern Muse
Like the dvd said every person with making even some changes will make a big difference, I am commited to making changes!!!
P. S. - Also, I want to mention that my daughter has now jumped on board with me about the "no more plastic" in our garbage after seeing that dvd so that is one more person to be making changes - Heck Ya! : )
Just A Reminder - My New Blog!
10 years ago
Have you checked out foodfacts.com? It rates brand name items on the quality of their ingredients on a scale of 0-100. I love it. It has helped me make good choices for replacing some of the items my girls like. For granola bars we now choose Lara Bars and Green Bars, which we buy in bulk from Amazon. I like them on Facebook and they share many items per day. When I find something I know my girls like but is bad for them, I email them the link. Often they will come to me and tell me now they understand why I stopped buying it. I am not the "bad Mom" anymore. They are learning by reading labels, why products that you cannot pronounce are not good to put into growing bodies!
Ugh. I did it again. That comment is from Jessica @ teachable moments. I used my daughter's address.
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